...Then Joy Rises Up
~ From Within ~
The peace and serenity of this backyard in southwest Florida is shared with the wildlife which choose to claim their spaces. Amorous Red Shouldered Hawks roost and nest in the tops of these Live Oaks, entertaining humans with their natural activity of flight, feeding/hunting, and well, ... amore. One afternoon, as I worked to create another peaceful corner in the yard, this surprise visit from one of the Hawks stirred my soul ...
A Totem ...
In North America, there is a certain feeling of affinity between a kin group or clan and its totem. There are taboos against killing clan animals, as humans are kin to the animals whose totems they represent. In some cases, totem spirits are clan protectors and the center of religious activity.
The following is a quote from a blog regarding the Red Tail Hawk
and the relevance to a visit from one such Totem
and the relevance to a visit from one such Totem
Be ever alert for a red tail flying near, for the Red Tailed Hawk will soar beside the Two-Legged whose own gift of vision is exceptionally acute.
To accept this Totem, is to be knighted as a Guardian and Protector of the Earth Mother and all her Children. These are individuals who will possess an astute awareness of the interconnectedness of all things, and will have an inner reverence for all life.
These are the souls that are involved in making the world a better place. They will be protectors of the Earth,
encouraging and educating Others to do the same.
To accept this Totem, is to be knighted as a Guardian and Protector of the Earth Mother and all her Children. These are individuals who will possess an astute awareness of the interconnectedness of all things, and will have an inner reverence for all life.
These are the souls that are involved in making the world a better place. They will be protectors of the Earth,
encouraging and educating Others to do the same.
And from this blog ~
“Blessings, blessings and more blessings. You have been blessed. Give thanks. . . . Hawk is a messenger of the Creator/Great Spirit/God. The Hawk wants you to be aware the Creator is speaking to you. Take notice. Only you know what the message is. . . in fact, you already know (even if you don’t realize it yet). God is sending you a message. . . but it is for you." ...

1 comment:
and you cause me to revisit my time passing through the Colorado River Indian Tribes lands, and my 'chance' Encounter with the Desert King...As He speaks to me again through you...I'm Listening with you...........Thanks for sharing the Blessing Today.. : )
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