The following is a poem by my granddaughter, Arrielle. This morning we discussed an incident which occurred yesterday, in her life, which ended in a discipline of short term suspension from an activity for all who were in some or any way involved. "I was in the wrong place, at the wrong time." These are her words to me regarding the event. "Are you okay with the discipline you received?", I asked her. Her response amazed me, in the maturity she revealed; "I understand that everyone who had any part in this, had to be treated equally. My greatest regret, is that I have disappointed Officer N, by my involvement, regardless of how much or little it was." Taking a deep breath to regain my composure, I asked one more question. "Have you told her how you feel this way?" Arrielle replied, "No, I haven't had the chance yet, but I plan on talking to her Monday."
Finishing our conversation with the idea of expressing feelings through writing, and this venue for posting, so we can learn from our own experiences expressed, I opened my email hours later to find this...
by Arrielle Smith
Lightning Strikes When Least Expected
Nothing Can Prepare You for the Pain of a Broken Heart
But the Night is Darkest Just before Dawn
And if You Just Keep Holding On
Hope Will Never Be Lost
Because Hope Will Live Within You and You Alone
Because No One Can Bring You Down
Once Lightning Strikes
You Will Be Strongest In Who You Are
Never Letting Go, Never Looking Back
No Mistakes, No Regrets
The Only Way to Know For Sure
Is to Try
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